Pakistan sets condition for India to join CPEC

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2017-02-04T23:20:09+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD: (APP) Federal Minister of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Muhammad Barjees Tahir on Saturday said that India should resolve Kashmir issue in the light of United Nations resolutions if it wanted to join China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

"Pakistan always stands with Kashmiris on their stance of right of self-determination and will continue our support for their freedom struggle at political, diplomatic and on moral grounds".

Addressing a press conference, he said Pakistan wanted to resolve all outstanding disputes with India including Kashmir through negotiation.

He said that India was trying to fabricate facts and hiding the brutalities of its forces in Kashmir which could not suppress Kashmir freedom movement.

He eulogized efforts of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who has raised voice of Kashmiri people at all international forums including UN General Assembly and unveiling Indian atrocities in Kashmir.

Kashmir freedom movement, Barjees said would not be stopped till their right of self-determination.

He said deployment of over 7,00,000 Indian troops is a clear proof of human right violation at massive level.

Kashmiris people were waiting for implementation of the United Nations Resolution and international community should come forward to play their role for implementation of UN resolutions, he added.

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