PSDP 2016-17: Government releases Rs. 110 billion for mega projects

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2016-10-03T14:17:36+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD (APP): The government has released Rs.110.448 billion for different social sector developmental projects under Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2016-17 as against the total allocation of Rs. 800 billion.

According to the latest data released by the Planning Commission of Pakistan Rs. 2.704 billion has released for different projects of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission against the total allocation of Rs. 27.690 billion for fiscal year 2016-17.

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In order to improve and modernize the road infrastructure, the government has released Rs. 18.183 billion for different developmental projects under National Highway Authority (NHA) as compared the allocated of Rs.188.84 billion for current year's development programme.

The government has also released Rs. 9.378 billion for uplift and development of Pakistan Railways in order to improve the performance and service delivery of Railways as against the total allocation of Rs. 41 billion for the current financial year.

Under PSDP 2016-17, development programme, an amount of Rs.4.297 billion has released for different projects of Higher Education Commission in order to promote higher education as against the total allocations of 21.486 billion.

PSDP 2016-17 : Funds released by Government for different projects

Rs. 5.507 billion has released for the National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination Division as the government has earmarked Rs. 24.951 billion in it Federal PSDP for the uplift of health sector of the country.

During the period under review, an amount of Rs. 3.290 billion has released for Water and Power Division (water sector) for the construction and development of water reservoirs in order to water conservation for irrigation and power generations against the total allocation of Rs. 31.71 billion.

Meanwhile, a sum of Rs. 2.158 billion has released for different projects of Planning, Development and Reforms Division as the government has allocated Rs.11.997 billion for current fiscal- year.

Under development programme, the government has so far released Rs. 1.824 billion for Housing and Works Division as against the total allocation of Rs. 6,554.164 million for the fiscal year 2016-17.

Rs. 2.604 billion has released for Interior Division as the government has earmarked Rs. 11,554 million for different developmental projects of Interior Ministry.

So far, the government has released Rs. 69.200 million for Water and Power division (power sector) against the total allocation of Rs. 31,716.370 million for current financial year in order to build water reservoirs to overcome the future demand of water.

Under PSDP, 2016-17 an amount of Rs. 2.750 million has released for Azad Jammu and Kashmir block and other projects as against the total allocation of Rs. 14.700 billion for current fiscal- year.

CPEC: Road Infrastructure projects under PSDP

According the details, the government has so far released Rs. 4.500 billion for Gilgit Baltistan and Rs. 4.137 billion for SAFRON and Federally Administrative Tribal Areas (FATA) respectively.

By the end of last month the government has released Rs. 36.667 billion for the developmental projects under different federal ministries and Rs. 18.954 billion for corporations.

The government has released Rs. 41.227 billion for special federal development programme for Temporary Displaced Persons (TDPs) and security enhancement under current year's development programme for the rehabilitations of TDPs as against the total allocation of Rs.100 billion.

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An amount of Rs. 0.248 million has released for different developmental projects of National Food Security and Research Division as the government had earmarked Rs. 15.20 billion for the development of agriculture sector in the country.

The Planning Commission of Pakistan was following a proper mechanism to release funds as per following quarterly ceilings: first quarter (July-September) 20 percent, second quarter (October-December) 20 percent, third quarter (January-March) 30 percent and fourth quarter (April-June) 30 percent.

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