Kashmiris determined to defeat nefarious designs of Indian PM Modi in Occupied Kashmir

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2019-08-02T15:09:06+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD - Executive Director Kashmir Media Service (KMS) Sheikh Tajamul Islam says Kashmiris are determined to defeat Indian government's plans to repeal Article 35-A of the Indian constitution and foil its bid to bring demographic changes in Occupied Kashmir.

In an interview with Radio Pakistan Islamabad correspondent Amanullah Sipra, he said attempt to revoke Article 35-A is a conspiracy aimed at bringing demographic changes in Occupied Kashmir, which can have effect on a plebiscite in the held territory under UN resolutions.

Sheikh Tajamul Islam said Modi government has been planning to abrogate Article 35-A, which declares that no Indian citizen can become state subject of Jammu and Kashmir state, and hence cannot buy property or get job and other incentives in Jammu and Kashmir.

Responding to a question about the options with the Indian government to repeal Article 35-A, the Executive Director Kashmir Media Service said there is no constitutional way to do it, but the Indian government will have to make some rigging for it.

He said the Indian government can use courts to revoke Article 35-A or do it through a presidential ordinance.

To another question, Sheikh Tajamul Islam said US President Donald's repeated offers of mediation on Kashmir issue have made environment favorable for resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

He said the international community should pressure India to resolve the basic issue of Kashmir instead of planning to change the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir state in the Indian constitution, which will further deteriorate the situation in Occupied Kashmir.

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