Panama Case decision: Gallup Survey reveals startling observations

Panama Case decision: Gallup Survey reveals startling observations

Gallup Pakistan, the Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International has conducted a nationwide survey on public pulse on Panama Leaks Verdict, within 24 hours of the announcement of the verdict.

The recent survey was carried out among a sample of approximately 1400 men and women in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of the country, on 21st April 2017. The expected error margin is estimated to be approximately ± 3-5 per cent at 95 per cent confidence level.

Only one out of three Pakistanis say they like the Supreme Court’s judgment in the Panama Case; 40 per cent say if they were the Judge, they would have given a stricter verdict; public opinion split if history would remember the decision as good or bad; 55 per cent Pakistanis believe the judgment was overall in favour of Nawaz Sharif

A nationally representative sample of adult men and women from across the four provinces was asked the following question, “Supreme Court of Pakistan has given its verdict on the Panama Leaks Case. Overall, did you like or dislike the decision?” In response, 36 per cent said they liked the decision, 43 per cent said they disliked the decision, while 21 per cent were indifferent (neither liked nor disliked the decision).

The nationally representative sample of adult men and women from across the four provinces was further asked the following question, “Suppose if you were the Supreme Court’s judge, would you have given the same decision. Or would your decision have been more strict or less strict?” In response, 40 per cent said they would have given a more strict decision, 21 per cent said a less strict decision, 23 per cent said the same decision and 16 per cent did not know.

The nationally representative sample of adult men and women from across the four provinces was further asked the following question, “In your opinion, would the Supreme Court’s decision be remembered as a good decision or as a bad decision in the future?” In response, 37 per cent said as a good decision, 45 per cent said as a bad decision and 18 per cent did not know.

The nationally representative sample of adult men and women from across the four provinces was further asked the following question, “Some people think that the Panama Leaks case decision came in favour of Nawaz Sharif, while some say that it came against him, while others say that the decision was neither in his favour nor against him. What is your opinion?” In response, 55 per cent said the verdict was in favour of Nawaz Sharif, 14 per cent said against Nawaz Sharif and 31 per cent said neither in his favour, nor against him.

Only 29 per cent Pakistanis believe the judgment would lead to reduction in corruption in the country; 28 per cent said it would have an overall good impact on Pakistan; 30 per cent say growth rate would increase as a result of the verdict.