Where does Karachi stand in World Safe Metropolises as per Economist Intelligence Unit?

Where does Karachi stand in World Safe Metropolises as per Economist Intelligence Unit?

ISLAMABAD - The Economist Intelligence Unit has issued an index ranking 60 metropolises around the world based on their digital, health and personal security, infrastructure, and lifestyle.

Called “Safe Cities Index link” (SCI), the index has ranked Pakistan’s largest city Karachi on 57th spot in top 60 cities with just 39 points out of 100.

Japan’s capital city Tokyo was at the top of the list with a score of 92.0.

Singapore stood second with 91.5 and another Japanese metropolis, Osaka, was ranked 3rd with 90.9 points.

Interestingly, only two European cities, Amsterdam and Copenhagen, could make it to the top ten, at number four and number eight respectively. Singapore is third on the SCI index for 2019.

The US capital Washington D.C. was the only American city in the first ten, at number 7. Chicago was ranked at 11th place. Australia’s capital Melbourne was ranked 10th.