Is Myanmar leader also victim of Islamophobia ?

Is Myanmar leader also victim of Islamophobia ?
MYANMAR: Is Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi is also a victim of Islamophoba?



The question rose from her statement during interview to a BBC Muslim Journalist Mishal Hussain.


When Mishal asked about Burma’s Rohingya Muslims minority who is suffering from violence, Suu Kyi said “No one told me I was going to be interviewed by a Muslim!”


Suu Kyi is a Nobel Peace laureate but her angriness and controversial statement against massacre of Muslims in Myanmar raised a question on her modesty.


When Mishal asked her to condemn the anti-Islamic parameters against Rohingya’s Muslims, she refused to do so and gave a controversial statement.


She said “I think there are many, many Buddhists who have also left the country for various reasons. This is a result of our suffering under a dictatorial regime.”


Suu Kyi is Noble Peace Prize laureate and also remained under house arrest for 15 years.


A majority of her supporters in the world condemned her silence on the matter and claimed that if she spoke up at right moment it could brought the persecution to an abrupt end.