Israeli Minister breaks silence over relations with Pakistan

Israeli Minister breaks silence over relations with Pakistan

After Pakistan denied link of recognising Israel, an Israeli minister has also dismissed the news report saying that Islamabad’s recognition of the country is not on the cards.

Israeli Regional Cooperation Minister Ofir Akunis, while speaking to an Israeli TV channel, shared that Tel Aviv was working towards formalising its ties with a fifth Muslim country after the recent flurry of recognition.

The minister said Israel is hoping the recognition takes place before the end of US President Donald Trump’s tenure on January 20.

"There will be an American announcement about another country that is going public with the normalisation of relations with Israel and, in essence, with the infrastructure for an accord — a peace accord," Akunis told *Ynet TV,* which was quoted by Israeli publication *Haaretz link* .

The Israeli minister declined to mention the name but said two countries were in contention, saying one was in the Gulf. But he did clarify that Saudi Arabia was out of the question.

Akunis said the other country was in the east and it is a "Muslim country that is not small", adding that it is not Pakistan.

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