Terrorism reduces drastically in Pakistan while rises in India: US Report
NEW DELHI: India has displaced Pakistan on a list of countries facing terror attacks in 2016, with higher fatalities and injuries than its neighbour , according to data compiled by the US state department.
The data, analysed by a national consortium for the study of terrorism and responses to terrorism , contracted with the US state department, reveals India is third after Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of terror attacks. Pakistan had held the position earlier.
Out of 11,072 terror attacks in 2016 worldwide, India bore the brunt of 927, 16% more than 2015 (798).
The data, analysed by a national consortium for the study of terrorism and responses to terrorism , contracted with the US state department, reveals India is third after Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of terror attacks. Pakistan had held the position earlier.
Out of 11,072 terror attacks in 2016 worldwide, India bore the brunt of 927, 16% more than 2015 (798).
The number of deaths in India also rose 17% from 289 in 2015 to 337 last year while the number of injured increased from 500 in 2015 to 636 last year.
On the other hand, the number of terror attacks in Pakistan reduced by 27% to 734 in 2016 from 1,010 in 2015.