Donald Trump to stick to his plan on banning Muslim immigrants

Donald Trump to stick to his plan on banning Muslim immigrants

President-elect Donald Trump appears to stick to his plan on establishing registry for American Muslims and temporarily banning Muslims immigrants from entering the United States, a Washington Post report claimed citing his comments made in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Germany.

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Briefly talking to reports in Florida on Wednesday, the President-elect "did not walk back" on his earlier proposal for establishing a registry for Muslims in the United States and banning Muslim immigrants from certain Islamic countries, the report said.

"You know my plans," Trump replied when asked by a reporter that if he was rethinking or reevaluating his plans about the Muslim immigrants in the wake of a fresh terrorist attack in Berlin in which the authorities have accused a Muslim man from Tanzania.

During his election campaign, Trump angered many world leaders and drew sharp criticism over his proposals to ban entry of Muslims to the United States. He also expressed his openness to a registry of Muslims already in the United States.

After the criticism, the Trump campaign team tried to soften the proposal, saying that Trump is suggesting a temporary ban on immigrants only from countries that had been "compromised by terrorism".

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After winning the election, his aides also briefly removed his proposal from his official website, leading many to think that he might be softening on his stance on Muslim immigrants.

But talking to reporters on Wednesday, Trump "suggested that his plans stood (on Muslim immigrants) as he had articulated them early in his campaign," the Washington Post report observed. The report added that a statement proposing a "complete" shutdown of Muslim immigration remained on Trump's website.

While Trump indicated to his plans, he did not explicitly stated that he would actually implement them. Saying that his plans are already known, he said that the German attack which allegedly involved a Tunisian migrant vindicated him.

"All along, I've been proven to be right. One-hundred-percent correct," Trump said. "What's happening is disgraceful."

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Commenting on his remarks, Faiza Patel, co-director of the liberty and national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University, said that at this point it wasn't quite clear what Trump means when he says Muslim ban, the Washington Post report quoted her as saying.