Twitter is finally rolling out much awaited feature on Android

Twitter is finally rolling out much awaited feature on Android

ISLAMABAD - Twitter is finally rolling out its chronological timeline button on Android, giving users a quick way to switch between the latest tweets and the network’s algorithm-sorted top tweets.

This isn’t a once-and-you’re-done switch, but it will make sure you can follow along with an awards show or sports extravaganza rather than wading through hours-old posts.

link Twitter ✔@Twitter link · Dec 18, 2018 link link

New on iOS! Starting today, you can tap [image: ✨] to switch between the latest and top Tweets in your timeline. Coming soon to Android. link

link Twitter ✔@Twitter link

Android, we got you. Starting today, tap [image: ✨] to switch between latest and top Tweets. link 12:59 AM - Jan 16, 2019 link link

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The toggle isn’t officially available on the web yet. All the same, it’s a big deal. Most of Twitter’s mobile users now have an easy way to control how they see their feeds.

Unlike some other major social networks, you’re not strictly beholden to a company’s decisions about when and how you see your friends’ content.