Indian Journalist Chandan Nanday who filed Kulbhushan Jadhav story goes missing
NEW DELHI - Indian Journalist Chandan Nanday, who filed the story on Kulbhushan Jadhav, goes missing on Saturday. The story was published in Indian digital platform The Quint on Friday and has been retracted by the outlet on Saturday.
The news of Nandays disappearance was shared by Pakistan Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal in a tweet on his personal account on Twitter. Dr Faisal stated:
“Update as reported: Journalist Chandan Nandy who filed the story is “missing/gone in hiding”, was last spotted at Khan Market Delhi and since then has been untraceable for Family and friends. Freedom of [the] press ?”
The story, originally titled as ‘Two Ex-RAW Chiefs Did Not Want Kulbhushan Jadhav Recruited As Spy’, stated that convicted Indian spy in Pakistan, Kulbhushan Jadhav, was indeed a RAW agent. The story was deleted on Saturday.
Chandan Nandy is opinion editor of The Quint. His Twitter account shows the story he filed as his last tweet 18 hours ago.