Imran Khan marriage rumours denied by the family of the said lady
ISLAMABAD - According to The News, the marriage ceremony between Imran Khan and Bushra Manika took place on the night of January 1 in Lahore with only a few guests invited to the event, a claim currently denied by the senior party leaders.
However the son of Bushra Manika Mohammad Musa Manika has totally rejected the news of the marriage of his mother with Imran Khan.
The story, that is sure to shock the socio-political corridors of the country for one more time claimed that the wedding ceremony took place in Sector Y of the upscale Defence Housing Authority, Lahore, at the residence of bride’s close friend who also happens to be a friend of a PTI leader.
PTI’s leaders alleged wife is the former daughter-in-law of former federal minister Mian Ghulam Muhammad Manika and spiritual mentor for Imran Khan.
According to media reports, Imran Khan has been visiting Manika family for last two years.